Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Summer Paintings


It has been awhile since I last posted any paintings.  I've had an interlude the past couple years filled with many important things which have given me little time to focus on art.  This summer I set up my studio and, with much joy, dove back into my paint.  Most of my inspiration has come from my blooming garden and I am enjoying the results.  The two top pieces are painting and collage on windows while the rest is done on canvas.  Thanks for taking the time to look at my work. ~Wendy


kobbs said...

So glad to see you back!!

Wendy Davis Hogan said...

Thanks Laura. MY hope is to keep it up. Not sure if life will speed up or slow down but I'm determined to paint.

Rosemarie said...

Good for you Wendy. Love that you're getting into birds. Warblers to me are really colorful pieces of art flying around : )

Kristin said...

so happy to see your work again, wendy. miss you!